Saturday, July 23, 2016

Harris Homes No. 1007

harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007
537 Liberty Street, Grove City, Pennsylvania • Probable Harris Homes No. 1007
This sweet little hip-roof bungalow with an inset, gabled front porch and partially bay-shaped front rooms, is, I believe, a Harris Homes model No. 1007.  
gable roof style and hip roof style
Harris Homes was a kit-house company in the early 1900s, offering blueprints along with the option of pre-cut packages of all of the lumber and building needs for your house -- just like Sears and Gordon-Van Tine and Aladdin and Montgomery Ward's Wardway Homes. Harris Homes was based out of Chicago, and began their life in the late 1800s, as Chicago House Wrecking Company. According to noted researcher Rebecca L. Hunter, they began as a company that helped in dismantling the structures at the 1893 Chicago World's fair, as well as the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair.  

The earliest catalogs list the houses with just a model number, but then (probably beginning with when they transitioned to the name Harris Homes, after 1913) they seem to have begun adding a letter to start the model number.  It looks like the catalogs moved along alphabetically as the years went on, so, this house, in a very early Harris Homes catalog, is shown as No. B-1007, and I have photos for it listed, in 1918, as No. L-1007 and, in 1920, as M-1007... you get the idea :). 

harris homes no 1007
Here is the front, compared to the image found on Daily Bungalow's Flickr album, for the 1920 , M-year catalog.
In the early, B-year catalog (sorry, I don't know where I got this image), the page shows a small photo of an actual-build No. B-1007, and, when you put it next to this Grove City, PA house, you can see how similar they are.

harris homes 1007 floor plan
You can see that the original floor plan does not call for that right-elevation front window in the dining room, to be a door, but it looks like that's what the folks who built the house in the photo, changed it to. 

harris homes no 1007
And, here you can see the comparison of the views of the house, with the right elevation looking correct for this model.
harris homes no L 1007
For some reason, the 1918 L-year catalog shows this model with short little windows on either side of the front door, but our house in Grove City has full-length windows there -- and, that's how the model is shown in the B and M year catalogs.
harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007
Here, again, is our house in Grove City, comparing nicely to the catalog image above.
Apparently, this Harris model was shown at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines ("and other big expositions"), and I love the way they refer to its simplicity of style, by pointing out that it has "no freakish projections" --- haaaa haaaa! 
harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007
source on
Let's take a look at a few more views of our Liberty Street Harris No. 1007, in Grove City, PA (all views of this house are thanks to Google Maps street view):

harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007
Sadly, it looks like the re-siding job covered over the window in the bathroom, and the side window for the front bedroom on this side.
harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007

harris homes no b 1007 no l 1007 no m 1007

There was also a Zillow listing for this house, with interior photos, which you can see here.

For more information:
harris homes of chicago
To see more Harris Homes catalogs,
including building materials catalogs,
go to 
this list of online catalogs,
and scroll down to the section listing
Harris Homes catalogs.
To see a blog post about a Harris Homes No. 1000,
go here, and scroll down a bit to near the end of the post.
To see a blog post about a Harris Homes No. 117, go here.
To see more about a similar-style bungalow by Sears,
in Webster Groves, Missouri, click here and scroll down.
To see another Sears model that looks, on the outside,
very similar to the Harris Homes No. 1007, click here.
For more information on who we are, and what we do, visit our website:

(NOTE: This blog is best seen in WEB view, to access the many informational links in the side bar.)


  1. Judith it is very informative I like it

  2. A square house with "no freakish projections," ha! Very well researched and interesting post as usual, Judith. Always sad to see details -- and even windows! -- lost to vinylization, but people will do what they will do. It could get to be quite a big "little" house if expanded into the second level!

    1. Yes, now you remember that next time you are designing a building... no freakish projections! LOL


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